Drawing on Our Priestess Power
Art by Te Hu
We're navigating unprecedented times that are affecting us in a myriad of ways, changing our lives for the weeks and months to come, undoing our realities, and perhaps surfacing a spectrum of emotions and deep feelings!
I thought it would be fun to do a series of improvised posts on the feminine energies/archetypes we can connect to within ourselves, to find inspiration, beauty, and magic in this new chapter of our personal and collective history (herstory).
As women, we have incredible magical powers to draw from.
We can access them through our womb, through our heart, through our consciousness.
This is how we remember to source our decisions and being in our own authority.
And how we find the power to participate in life with all of who we are — including our beauty, dreams, desires, and longings, as well as our fears, insecurities, vulnerabilities, and tender wounds. All of it is welcome in the feminine realm.
The priestess invites us into our deep spiritual power — how much can we listen to our womb intuition?
Can we trust ourselves to access this gnosis — our deep spiritual knowing — and follow it through?
An amazing power resides within the womb-heart of every woman. Beyond logic or intellect, beyond the patriarchal energies or chaos of the world.
Can we trust it? Can we surrender to it? Can we love ourselves into full embodiment of this gorgeous power?
The priestess within helps us navigate the delicate threshold between Spirit world and our daily lives.
To retrieve visions and dreams from unseen realms, and inform our orientation. To descend more truth and love in our relationships. To follow the thread of our unique destiny.
We each have a unique medicine, a unique soul signature. Our priestess self supports us into being the fully embodied, unapologetic, creative, mystical-wild creature we are.
We can priestess ourselves and we can priestess others.
As an oracle and a midwife of death, rebirth, and new life, the priestess knows how to consciously, lovingly menstruate. How to harmoniously attune to and enact passages of death, release, loss, and mystical rebirth.
We are living in menstrual times! And the energy of earth herself and of our collective soul is supporting whatever we are ready to deeply release from our psyches, souls, and ancestral line.
☾ What are you releasing from your 'womb lining' right now? Personal and ancestral?
☾ What new vision are you sourcing or feeling your way into, from deep within yourself?
☾ Do you trust your own power?
☾ What is the priestess within you wanting to reveal?