Feminine Christ: Being a Guardian for Our Lineage
Art by Sandra Bierman
We can choose to be a guardian for our lineage.
Today, I’ll speak about our family (blood) lineage, although we also have a profound story with our spiritual lineage, which at times entwines with our blood lineage, and at other times takes us down magical pathways that may seem very far from our cultural background!
The paradox is that, often, in order to find our own freedom and self-love, we must first individuate from our family systems, and the wounded dynamics they carry.
Yet, life is a web, and our life, relationships, and spiritual journey are part of a greater weaving.
Our family of origin holds many of the keys to our spiritual destiny.
By choosing to be a guardian of our lineage, we offer up our life and our womb as a chalice of love, where the wounds, disappointments, lost dreams and heartbreaks of the past can be heard, felt, alchemized and healed.
We become the ‘Feminine Christ’ for our lineage. Knowing that those before us may not have had the resources (inner and outer) to be on a healing and creative journey.
For me, being a guardian of our lineage does not mean that we endure the burden of our family traumas or self-sacrifice our own well-being and dreams.
Instead, it means that we cultivate a great courage and passion to, through our own lives and experiences, participate in something greater than ourselves. We do this from our power and sovereignty, feeling our way through the hidden gifts, shadows, and forgotten stories of our lineage.
Just like we can have a personal soul retrieval, we are also part of an ancestral/family soul, and our family soul also needs a soul retrieval. To bring the broken pieces back into wholeness and love.
We can grieve for our lineage, dream for our lineage, and ask the important questions that no one else has dared to ask.
We can go through a ‘detective’ process of having open conversations with the people in our family that are willing, and discover more about what lies beneath the surface of what we thought we knew about our family and family members. There are untold stories that are ready to be heard and shift the fabric of our family consciousness.
Last year, I went to visit my grandmother in France, and every morning, over tea, I asked her about aspects of her life as a woman, about her journeys of love, and her journey of motherhood raising my dad and uncle. I was astounded by what I found out! I took notes, and was able to recover so much information I never knew!
One of the most important topics we can ask about as women is inquiring into our mother’s and grandmothers’ birth stories.
The way we (and women before us) were conceived, gestated, and birthed deeply impact how we create as women, and our capacity to birth our desires into being, as well as the blueprint we take into motherhood. We can learn a lot about where we feel blocked or stuck, and what is needed to restore the flow.
We can also inquire into any stories of loss, heartbreaks, love stories, or repressed longings and desires.
We may also find the clues to repressed memories or stories of sexual abuse - which is unfortunately much more common than our society wants to acknowledge. This also includes more subtle and energetic forms of sexual abuse, and experiences of inappropriate touch and behaviors that may have been dismissed in previous generations.
☾ Have you felt called to be a guardian for your lineage?
☾ What are some of the major themes or wounds you’ve noticed in your family over the years? What are you navigating now that is part of a larger weaving beyond your own life?
☾ Which person(s) in your family might be open to having a discussion about unexplored aspects or feelings in your family?
☾ Do you know about your conception, gestation and birth story? How might they hold important clues for how you create now as a woman, and any areas where you feel blocked or stuck?