My Personal Story of Womb Awakening


I was in the depths of despair and confusion, as I grieved my father’s death and my marriage was crumbling, when I went on a three-week journey through New Mexico.

It was there, in 2014, that the red thread started unveiling itself again.

The land started talking to me, every day.

I come from a very secular, non-religious, non-woo background, and while I had been on a spiritual path for a few years at this point, this just wasn’t in my belief system.

Yet, there she was, a voice emanating from the earth, speaking to me clear as day.

With the affection of a friend, with the fierceness and unequivocal, benevolent authority of a mother.

She spoke to me about my life, about my spiritual path, and about the leap I was about to make, and needed to make.

She revealed the spirit of the ancient people who had lived there in communion with her, and the energy imprint they had left.

She showed me, in a full-body transmission, as tears streamed down my face and shivers ran through my body, that every great male shaman had lived in devotion to her, in a synergy and sacred union that once bridged worlds, and co-created timelines.

Up until then, I had been an energy healer with a devout spiritual path.

I had journeyed from Buddhism, mindfulness, and Eastern traditions, to hands-on energy healing, depth psychology, and all things New Age.

I had eventually found my way to shamanism, and knew it was my soul path.

But the voice coming through now was distinctly different. It carried a different energy than what I had known in more masculine lineages of shamanism.

This frequency was feminine.

Truly feminine.

It was the Voice of Earth, calling me home.

We were getting reacquainted, for the first time in this life.

She was preparing me, tilling the soil of my being—asking me to release the past and be ready to leap across timelines.

Within weeks, I met my mentor, the first female shaman I’d ever met, with a spiritual power unlike any I’d ever known. I felt I remembered her from another life.

It was a lineage reunion.

She awakened a deep remembrance within me, and began to guide and initiate me.

Soon after, I experienced my first Womb Awakening ceremony, flying through the point of no return, into a homecoming I had waited for all my life. My destiny was sealed.

I entered an extensive Womb Shamanism apprenticeship under the guidance of my teachers Seren & Azra Bertrand—trailblazers of Womb Awakening, lineage guardians, and real-life dragons.

I immersed in intensive study and daily practice, asking Divine Mother to help me open my womb and remember the truth.

I learned how to take shamanic journeys through my womb to travel to Spirit World and receive direct visions, transmissions, and maps from the feminine lineages.

A two-year womb health condition I had been struggling to overcome healed, spontaneously. I was reuniting with the source of my true feminine energy, and unveiling an entirely new frequency of reality. I was remembering my lineages, and the path of true love and sacred union.

So I left my world as I knew it — my marriage, my job, my home, my old perceptions of reality. Everything became about aligning with my true path.

That’s when my Womb Awakening happened.

I arrived in Bali for the first time, after dreaming of it and feeling the island calling me for years.

It was there, on her volcanic soil, amidst her lush sensual junglescape, in the atmosphere of her ancient elemental power, that my womb awakened.

I had been passionately cultivating the multidimensional portal in my womb, when suddenly... a secret doorway flowered open, like a volcano erupting into wild lava flows of ecstasy.

A portal opened between my womb and the Womb of Mother Earth.

She began flooding my womb, body, and energy field with Kundalini-Shakti, her abundant sensual life force and primordial love.

It was intense, ecstatic, unstoppable, and unmistakably feminine. My womb was reconnecting to the Womb of Earth.

I was receiving, through my womb, a seemingly infinite flow of liquid light—a primordial substance of life that was feeding me, cleansing me, renewing me, and revealing my true soul self and my destiny in this life.

My womb began emanating a magnetic field of radiance and sensual, soulful beauty that shifted reality everywhere I went.

During that time, which lasted for weeks, I experienced alternating waves of primordial bliss and liberation, alongside an indescribable body grief.

An ancient pain of this soul loss was resurfacing. A memory of the truth.

My womb was calling out to every part of my feminine soul to come home.

This was the beginning of the next stage of my voyage.

A journey of feminine soul retrieval.

Pilgrimaging to special places and experiences as Mother Earth guided me to initiate, activate, and integrate my soul power.

This journey culminated in a huge energy baptism from Divine Mother, during which I received my personal transmission of Womb Awakening, a living frequency I would carry forward and transmit, in service to a greater remembrance of the Feminine, and the new story and paradigm we’re destined to embody together.

I began facilitating Womb Awakening shortly after.

Since then, I’ve journeyed with hundreds of women in the realms of Womb Awakening in sessions, immersions, and mentorship.

I’m devoted to the return of the true feminine, embodied — our awakened womb and soul destiny, and the full expression of our creative, sensual, and spiritual power.

I believe that Womb Awakening is the missing piece for many women who are spiritually awakened but are longing to embody their power.

Womb Awakening is the reactivation of the spirit portal in our womb, so we can embody our true feminine, creative power.

It’s the pathway to becoming a Creatrix, a weaver of worlds, a woman who is here to birth and live her destiny—and who has awakened the power, nourishment, and support to accomplish her vision.

Now, I support magical women all over the world who have heard this calling.

Answering the Call: How to Begin Your Womb Awakening Journey

There’s a reason why so many powerful, intuitive women feel a deep, unspoken longing for something more—something ancient, embodied, and wildly magnetic.

Your womb is the power portal that holds the key to the next chapter of your life, in full alignment with your destiny.

This space is within you, waiting for you to answer the call.

If your heart is fluttering as you read this, this is your invitation to begin!

Here’s how:

🌹 Read more in my article “What Is Womb Awakening?to discover the origins of this path and how it can transform your relationship with yourself, your body, and your destiny.

🌹 Begin with a Womb Awakening Meditation and experience the power of your womb anytime, anywhere.

🌹 Book a private session for deeper guidance tailored to your unique journey.

🌹 Join a Womb Awakening Intensive, and fully immerse yourself in this sacred work and what it holds for you.

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.

Your Biggest Asset as a Woman


What is Womb Awakening?