Sacred Reunion

Invoking the Magical Masculine

December 1 - December 22

Welcome to Sacred Reunion, Invoking the Magical Masculine — a 21-day vision quest, journey, and experiential communion.

Our journey includes:

  • Four gatherings, from the first of December until Solstice (Dec 1-22)

  • Teachings and transmissions rooted in Womb Shamanism and the Path of Love, specifically curated for our times

  • A blend of practices, prayer, ceremony, and intimate conversation to awaken the next level of your destiny with love

  • An experiential container to reflect, contemplate, and activate your inner soul journey

We will journey with:

  • Awakening our womb and magnetism to call in sacred love in resonance with our true soul frequency

  • Softening into completion with the past so we can flower our heart radiance and feminine grail light

  • Opening to the soulmate frequency — the primordial love that flows deep within our bodies and at the heart of life

  • Rediscovering our relationship with the masculine as a spiritual consort, creative partner, and soulful lover, including his unique transmission and emergence now

  • Communing with our feminine spiritual lineages, and their guidance and support as we take our next bold steps in love 

For those of us in partnership, this will be a sacred container to initiate the next octave of love and union in relationship. 

For those of us who are single, this will be a Temple of Love to rediscover the masculine, and if you wish, to open to your next chapter in love and relationship.

Let’s chat!

Let’s talk about love, the magical masculine, and what this journey holds for us.

The Format

  • We will meet over 4 gatherings, every Sunday, starting December 1st until December 22nd.

  • Our schedule will be as follows:

    • Call 1: Sunday, December 1st

    • Call 2: Sunday, December 8th

    • Call 3: Sunday, December 15th

    • Call 4: Sunday, December 22nd

    • All calls will be at 7pm EST, 4pm PST, 5pm MST, 6pm CST.

    • Here is a handy time converter (input your local timezone on the right side, or on the bottom if you’re on mobile).

    • Special note: Depending on how many are joining from Europe, there will be an added live call for our European participants that fits the European time zones.

  • Replays will be available and sent out the next day.

The Container

You will be invited to apply homework and practices between our gatherings to deepen your process, if you wish.

You will receive access to a private group container where we will be in conversation and discuss our experiences between calls.

While this journey is designed to be immersive over our 3 weeks together, all replays and practices are available for you to keep, and you can join and integrate the materials in a way that works for you and your life, at your own pace.

“The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you”

— Rumi

Sacred Reunion

Invoking the Magical Masculine

December 1st-December 22nd

Your 21-day journey includes:

  • 4 experiential gatherings blending teaching, transmission, and practices (with replays)

  • Homework to deepen your process between calls, if you wish

  • An intimate group container, with mentorship from me to support and guide your process

Sacred Reunion

Option 1 — Group Journey Only


Join the journey and open to the next level of your destiny with love.

Sacred Reunion

Option 2 — Journey + 1:1 Session


Receive guidance and support with an additional 90-min 1:1 session with me.

Client Praise