On Creativity & Sexuality

How does it make you feel…?

How does it make you feel when the creativity surges in your body?

Have you ever noticed that creative energy works very much like sexual energy?

Inspiration and creative currents come up like waves of arousal in our being.

An exciting, mysterious desire energy that immediately asks that we “catch” it, and prioritize it above mundane responsibilities or the logical mind.

That we momentarily allow everything else to melt away so we can open to it, and follow where it wants to take us.

Creative energy works the same, across all realms of life.

It’s the same principles whether we’re creating babies, union, opening, evolution.

Creative energy is always life-giving.

It makes us awake, alive, alert.

It comes knocking at a somatic sensual door — and we have the choice to open or not.

If we say yes, immediately, we enter an alternate dimension, where something new starts to be created.

We cross the threshold, and we enter the unknown.

It moves and opens us into new territory, and all that comes with it.

These are the moments that what we call a “spiritual practice” prepare and cultivate us for.

Because when it comes, we never know where it’s going to take us, or how.

Creativity is spontaneous, wild, big, physical, mystical.

It teaches us to become adept at riding its flow, holding the energy as it builds and expands, and brave our edges to meet ourselves and life in new and unpredictable ways.

We discover what (and who) opens us, arouses us, nurtures us, strengthens us, enlivens us.

To know real pleasure, real love, real creative power, is an adventure.

A vision quest to unveil and understand life’s creative templates, and our own creative capacity.

This is the path of the feminine oracle.

Join us for Womb Oracle, a 3-week practical training to awaken the oracular power of your womb, and grow your skills as an oracle.

We start on Wednesday.

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.


Reuniting With the Source of Our Power


What Happened When I Became A Womb Oracle