Reuniting With the Source of Our Power

Womb Awakening reunites us with the source of our power.

This is the difference between doing/trying/going after something that we think will give us an experience of power...

And reconnecting with the source of our power first, and then living, doing, and creating from it.

Women were never meant to go out there and “do” anything in order to have or get power.

Women are designed to live, be, create from, and embody creative power.

From time immemorial, the womb has been honored as the spirit gateway and the ultimate dimension of creative power that lives within women.

This is why our most ancient statues and figurines are all of goddesses and the female form, communicating one thing: fertility and creative power.

This is beyond womb work or feminine energetics.

This is us coming home to the source of our power, and understanding that our ultimate power to create comes from this dimension of ourselves we choose to inhabit, and never leave ever again.


One of the most beautiful things I witness again and again is that when a woman reawakens her womb — an incredible joy and radiance start to surge and overflow.

An instinctive joy of knowing and truly loving who we are, at a soul-level.

Suddenly, we can see ourselves.

We can see who we really are.

Our womb is our immediate, inseparable direct line to the divine.

It’s a direct pathway to the source of all life, and our own personal soul frequency.

When we root there, we can relax inside a vast power that becomes the foundation of our lives.

An incredible well of source energy begins to nourish every realm of our lives.

Womb Awakening brings us into a deep energetic alignment.

It’s the ultimate glow up. ✨

Everything in our lives can reorganize around us once we inhabit this power.

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.

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