Wells and the Feminine Mysteries
In the Feminine Mysteries, wells are deeply significant. They symbolize the passageway into the Womb mysteries, into the Cosmic Womb, where the Unknowable awaits.
Anchoring Into My Lineage
Three years ago I sat in a car on the side of the road feeling like I was dying. I was driving cross country after leaving a love I thought could never end. A hell ride of a trauma-bonded love myth that had awakened every forgotten piece of my soul, my essence, my sexuality and dreams of union.
Wtf Is Dragon Wisdom?!
‘Dragons’ refer to cosmic and earthly creative intelligences — the birthing powers at the heart of our universe. In today’s article, I’d like to explore the elemental aspect of the dragons with you, and identify which dragon holds your home element.
Sacred Sexuality and Neo-Tantric Shadow
There is a massive movement happening worldwide, revealing the predatory abuse and misuse of power that have run rampant among some of the most influential companies and organizations. It’s equally important for us to understand how the same energies operate in spiritual circles.
The Call of Womb Awakening
Along all spiritual journeys comes a point, a sacred threshold where all externals give way to a magnetic call asking us to go inside, beckoning us to move deep within our core. It may feel like a nameless longing for something ancient we once knew, or like being thrown into the breathtaking unknown.