Feminine Council, April Edition: Metamorphosis


April Edition

Metamorphosis: Feminine Embodiment in Times of Transition

Monday, April 22nd, 8pm EST, 5pm PST, 6pm MST, 7pm CST

(Replays available if you can’t be with us live)

Where is the biggest change happening in your life right now?

Is it in your creative path? Your work? Your finances? Your closest relationships? Your home?

We're going through a core-level reconfiguration in our feminine energy — the way we hold and use our power, the way we create and embody ourselves, and how this translates into every realm of our lives.

We’re traveling between what was and what is becoming.

Feminine embodiment in times of transition.

Those places in our lives where we feel strong, defined, powerful.

And those places where we’re in between roles and identities, shifting, evolving, in metamorphosis.

We’re leaving an old world behind.

And the things in our lives that represent and hold the imprints of this old world, and its old paradigms.

Life is asking us to be bold, yet soft and surrendered.

To step out in our visibility and magnetism, yet be wise in how we navigate the complex energy dynamics of the world.

To grieve deeply for what couldn’t be — yet to dream and desire just as deeply, with our hearts on fire as we unapologetically go for our vision.

Life is asking something new of us.

We’ve spent years of our spiritual journey, years in our inner world preparing for this time.

In this month’s Feminine Council, we’re going to go deep into what feminine embodiment means in times of transition.

We’ll also discuss:

  • restoring the magical body so we can expand into our energetic roots and wings

  • magical feminine leadership and sharing our true soul with the world

  • opening to visibility and a new way of relating to others

  • turning our fear and self-doubt into power

  • digesting past “failures” so we can trust our creative calling and incarnate our destiny at the highest level

  • the dance between assertiveness and surrender

  • being bridge-makers for the emerging paradigms

  • and the beauty, fun, and pleasure that life is lovingly challenging us to claim in the process!

About this class:

Each class includes a one-hour teaching and transmission, followed by a personal soul-communion practice, and a feminine shamanic journey to activate the next stage of your soul destiny as a magical woman and feminine leader.

We also open up into intimate community conversation, where we discuss the ‘real-life’ embodiment of these principles and energies, and dive into the taboo, the juice, the humor, and swagger of this wild journey of feminine embodiment.

And you receive access to an online private container where we stay in touch and keep building the energy.

Please note there are no refunds after purchase.

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